For Optimal Performance
Cryotherapy is a cold water immersion experience. This treatment is known to have a variety of mental and physical health benefits.
Our Cyrospa is very popular among athletes, fitness enthusiasts and people seeking overall wellness and recovery.
£8 per session
Reduced inflammation – The cold causes blood vessels to constrict and decreases blood flow to the affected area. Therefore, helps to minimise swelling and soreness
Delivers Faster recovery time post-exercise
Pain Relief
Use of a Cryospa can create relief from sport injuries, general aches and pains
Increase energy levels
This treatment releases endorphins which increase energy and focus levels

First class facilities that support local clubs and individuals of all ages, backgrounds and ability
Your Safety is Our Priority
We prioritise your safety and wellbeing. Our team of trained professionals will be there every step of the way ensuring that you follow the guidelines. We maintain strict hygiene standards and monitor the water temperature to ensure your comfort and safety.
More info – gym@newforge.com
Visit today and experience the difference for yourself
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